Thursday, November 1, 2007

in da houuuuse

Yes, that time has finally come. After looking around at different properties one finally fulfilled all the requirements of a 'great place'. The search criteria begun with trying to get a house in the CBD. Not an easy task, but still a doable one. So looking around, the only viable real estate website, few places came up within our price range. Going to the inspections revealed that many others thought the same thing we did. Overwhelming crowds can dampen one's hopes for getting the property in question.
Not swayed by this, we kept looking for a place in the CBD, with wild possibilities of cherry farms sprinkled throughout. The story just kept getting repeated. Shabby, small, too expensive, too much interest. Meh. Meh indeed.
But the day came when the browse for properties in and around the CBD came up with this little gem.
Yep, a two storey freestanding townhouse on a sizeable piece of land in the suburb of Ovingham.

It looked very inviting, so we contacted the agent who was able to let us in there in an evening inspection. Not sure if the cover of darkness was an attempt to hide imperfections or dampen the view, but it didn't work. We fell in love with the place. So to buy it, we had to make an offer. This can be unfair and akward as you don't know what the other interested parties are offering. So we shot a price. Lo and behold, we ended up winning the bidding war against about 15 people by $2k. Awesome. I would have felt like money was lost if we won by $20k or some ridiculous amount. So yay!.
Now off to get a mortgage. Boy do the fees stack up! we ended up paying about $30k in fees!
But after the dust settled, moving into the new house was one of the most exciting things ever. To know that you own it. To think of improvements, changes, possibilities, knowing that you will be the one to benefit is just so empowering. And no freakin 3 monthly inspections from the agent either!
Long live the house!

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